DRA Homes - Careers

Job openings in DRA Homes

Experience Nice A bundled up expression of love

It is beyond a nod of cordiality. It is a conglomeration of emotions bundled up here at workplace, with love and respect.

Job openings in DRA Homes

Learning Observe. Absorb. Assimilate

Unlearning, gathering new skills and establishing a connection in the environment to better oneself, continuously, every moment.

Job openings in DRA Homes

Training Get hands-on. It's a fair market

A transformation from just an employee to an indispensable asset takes place through systematic workshops, conferences, and seminars, periodically.

Job openings in DRA Homes

Innovation No box to limit your creative fountain

You set your limit. There's no box to curtail your thoughts. The thirst to move ahead of the pack and the urge to think creatively spring forth naturally.

Job openings in DRA Homes

Leadership Rise up. Lead with your horns up

Crucial situations and roles bring out the leader in you, harnessing possible solutions and delivering workable actuals, right on target.

Job openings in DRA Homes

Rewards & Recognition Work and take home loads, rightfully

Encouraging initiatives and motivating programs with the right reward are for the genuine in every segment. Commitment takes home loadful of incentives.

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